  • עברית

The Aboulafia institute

Training Teachers and Treatment Teams
And establishing Mental Treatment Centers throughout the country

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We at the Aboulafia Institute
integrate world known psychotheraputic treatment methods,
mental psychology theories
together with the ancient deep treasures of knowledge
of Jewish wisdom and the faith of Israel.

Within our work, whether it be the training programs or personal treatment processes,
we focus on two major areas:


Preventive Medicine:

This connection is based on preventive medicine as a main cause in the world of teaching.

Treatment of Coping Mentally

A deep, quick and suitable response to the patient which the State Psychiatric System does not succeed to resolve (and unfortunately there are many cases).

Development Plans for the Years 2023-2026

Developing Treatment Centers that answers one's needs by professional Jewish Integrative Psychotherapy.

Mental First Aid – which answers the needs to emergencies in a professional and reliable way.

A Research and distribution Center of Jewish Psychotherapy

Subsidized Treatment Centers for the weaker population who are unable to receive aid for various reasons.

Integrating graduates into the Ministry of Health and "Kupat Cholim"in order to influence substantial changes within the Mental Health System in the country.

Full plans with quality of Preventive Medicine on building mental resilience for every child in Israel ranging from 1st grade till 12th grade.

School Programs to train teachers and parents on how to use various psychotherapeutic tools.

The mental situation of the general population in Israel is very bad.
The needs for psychiatric treatments is on the verge of collapsing
and we are witnessing this due to lack of awareness and lack of funds.

It’s time to make changes.

We invite you to be partners with us
in the  Mental Treatment revolution of the Dr. Aboulafia’s institute
to present a new message, real and relevant to all.

Please open your heart and contribute now,
so that we can create a better future  
Today – more than ever.

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